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God Owns It All

We are managing God's resources, not our own.

11 Aug, 2019 232 Comments

A Lifestyle of Authentic Peace

God's way is the safe way, the right way, and the only peaceful way in a chaotic world.

13 Aug, 2019 15 Comments

Does My Giving Have to go to a Church?

Yes, your tithe should go to your local church. I won't be mad at you for not tithing because Jesus certainly was not. But I encourage you to...

18 Aug, 2019 6 Comments

How Does Your Social Media Presence Reflect Your Faith?

As a Christian, you have a huge responsibility when you interact on social media! You’re called to steward your words for God’s glory.

25 Aug, 2019 11 Comments

Does God Bless the Diligent or the Faithful?

One side believes you should work hard for your blessings. The other believes you should trust God to provide for all your needs.

02 Sep, 2019 13 Comments

7 ‘Fear Not’ Scriptures to Give You Peace and Courage

Scriptures to give you courage in the face of fear

09 Sep, 2019 4 Comments

How to Use Bedtime to Talk About Jesus With Your Kids

Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

15 Sep, 2019 5 Comments

7 Verses to Rejuvenate Your Faith This Fall

Seven Scriptures that can help you grow deeper in your faith this fall.

23 Sep, 2019 6 Comments

Do I Have to Get My Life Together Before I Become a Christian?

he reality is that Jesus calls the broken. He wants to have a relationship with us, exactly where we are.

01 Oct, 2019 3 Comments

5 Ways God Loves a Prodigal

The parable shows us the picture of how our Father loves all of His prodigals (that’s you and me!), even if our checkered pasts paint ugly...

07 Oct, 2019 7 Comments

Ways to Live an Authentic Faith in the Social Media Age

It’s likely that social media has already influenced the way you think, communicate, spend your time, and even connect with others.

13 Oct, 2019 8 Comments

What God Means by ‘My Grace Is Sufficient for You’

God’s grace fills the holes that other things we try to rely on cannot

20 Oct, 2019 3 Comments

Biblical Encouragement for When You Feel Like Giving Up

Is God ever okay with us quitting or giving up? Maybe if we look at what God says about commitment, we’ll have our answer

30 Oct, 2019 9 Comments

What Does God Want Addicts to Know About Grace?

Five truths about God’s grace

04 Nov, 2019 10 Comments

Is It Always Sinful to Lie?

To sin is to fall short. To sin is to miss the standard of perfection set forth by God and lived out by Jesus.

21 Nov, 2019 3 Comments

Why Does God Let Evil Happen?

I’ve also wondered, “If God is good, and if he’s in control, then why does God let evil happen?”

26 Nov, 2019 4 Comments

How to Never Fall Away from the Faith

How do we make sure to never stumble or—even worse—fall away?

09 Dec, 2019 7 Comments

Is ‘Self-Care’ Biblical?

What Does Self-Care Actually Look Like?

16 Dec, 2019 3 Comments

What Does the Bible Say About Anger?

God’s Word not only teaches how to deal with anger but also how to overcome sinful anger.

23 Dec, 2019 6 Comments

What Is the Difference Between the Holy Spirit and My Conscience?

How does the believer know if it is the conscience or Holy Spirit directing a certain course of action?

30 Dec, 2019 6 Comments

I Can’t See or Hug Jesus; How Can We Have a Relationship?

These are the building blocks of relationship, and they can be implemented even though we cannot see or hug Jesus.

07 Jan, 2020 6 Comments

31 Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Help for Facing Life’s Battles

Below are some Spiritual Warfare Scriptures:

13 Jan, 2020 5 Comments

4 Prayers for a Powerful Fasting Breakthrough

Here are four prayers for a powerful fasting breakthrough

19 Jan, 2020 5 Comments

Why Do We Ask God to ‘Create in Me a Clean Heart?’

In Psalm 51:10-12, David prayed: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence and...

27 Jan, 2020 2 Comments

21 Verses to Hold on to When the Pain Won’t Stop

Let’s look at verses you can hold onto when you feel like the pain won’t stop:

11 Feb, 2020 4 Comments

7 Amazing Scriptures to Turn into Your Family’s Mission Statement

. Here are 7 simple Bible-based mission statements, along with verses and passages to consider.

19 Feb, 2020 6 Comments

What Is Revelation All About?

The book of Revelation unveils the spiritual war in which the Church of Jesus is engaged; that cosmic conflict between God with Jesus Christ and...

25 Feb, 2020 9 Comments